How We Began
The Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District and Nebraska’s other Natural Resources Districts were created by the Nebraska Legislature and began serving the people of the state in 1972. The legislature combined 154 special purpose resource management entities, including county soil and water conservation districts, drainage districts and watershed boards into 24 NRDs. In 1989, this number was reduced to 23 NRDs through a merger of the Papio NRD and the Middle Missouri Tributaries NRD. Districts are unique to Nebraska. No other state has a system for managing its natural resources identical to our NRDs.
Our Purpose
NRDs are multi-county governments organized along major watersheds with broad responsibilities to protect and enhance our state’s natural resources. Major Nebraska river basins form the boundaries enabling the NRDs to respond best to local needs.
Elected boards govern districts. Much of the funding for resources management programs and projects come from property taxes generally amounting to less than two percent of property taxes collected in the area served by the district.
Partnerships built between NRDs and other resources management agencies – both state and federal – have strengthened the overall conservation effort. Nebraska’s Natural Resources Commission, Game and Parks Commission and Departments of Natural Resources and Environmental Quality work closely with natural resource districts. Our federal government partners include the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service and Farm Services Agency, the US Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Emergency Management Agency U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Park Service.
The Mission of the Papio-Missouri River NRD is to wisely Conserve, Manage, and Enhance our Soil, Water, Wildlife and Forest resources for the good of all people residing within the district’s boundaries

Papio-Missouri River NRD Offices:
- Headquarters – Headquarters – Natural Resources Center at Chalco Hills Recreation Area/Wehrspann Lake 8901 S. 154th Street, Omaha., NE 402-444-6222
Also serves as Field Office for Douglas and Sarpy Counties 402-896-0121 - Washington County Field Office – 1060 Wilbur Street, Blair, NE, 68008
402-426-4782 - Burt County Field Office – 539 S. 13th, Tekamah, NE, 68061
402-374-1920 - Thurston County Field Office – 106 S. Costello, Walthill, NE
402-846-5655 - Dakota County Field Office – 1505 Broadway, Dakota City, NE
For more information on Nebraska’s 23 Natural Resources Disticts