Soil and Water Conservation Assistance
Your NRD shares the cost with landowners for the construction of several conservation measures including terrace systems, grassed waterways, and erosion control dams. Our cost share rate for the construction of terraces, waterways, etc. is currently 75%.
Your NRD offers cost share funding as well as technical assistance to landowners who plant trees for homestead windbreaks, field windbreaks, and wildlife habitat improvement on farms and acreages. A complete planting service is also available including planting your seedling trees. We cooperate with the Natural Resources Conservation Service for planting designs.
Conservation Tree Species Description
Find out more about Nebraska’s NRDs and tree planting at www.nrdtrees.org.
Well Abandonment
No one knows for sure how many abandoned wells exist in the state, but the potential dangers are well documented. Wells abandoned and not properly sealed in either urban or rural areas can act as direct conduits for pollution to reach our ground-water supplies. Left undiscovered and uncapped, these wells can entrap both animals and people.
Recently, your NRD has begun an active and growing program to cost share with landowners the expense of capping old, unneeded wells. Up to 75 percent of the cost for capping wells is available by contacting your Papio-Missouri River NRD.
For more information contact your local Field Service Representative:
For Sarpy or Douglas county, email John Zaugg or call: 402-426-2625 ext. 105
For Burt or Washington county, email Jon Hansen or call: 402-374-1920.
For Dakota or Thurston county, email Kaden Kneifl or call: 402-404-7158