Board Information
Thursday August 11, 2011
8:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
Agenda Item 7.A. - Board Meeting Minutes 7-14-2011.pdfAgenda Item 7.B - DCRW Meeting Minutes 7-13-2011.pdfAgenda Item 8.D. - LPRCA Report.pdfAgenda Item* 11.A-I. - Financial Report.pdfAgenda Item* 13. - GM Report.pdfAgenda Item 9 - Public Hearing Budget 2012.pdfAgenda Item 8.A. - NRCS Report.pdfAgenda .pdfAgenda Item* 10.B. - FEL Subcommittee Minutes 8-9-2011.pdfAgenda Draft Resolutions.pdfAgenda Item* 10.A. PPO Minutes 9-6-2011.pdf
Tuesday August 9, 2011
7:00 PM
Finance, Expenditure and Legal Subcommittee
6:30 PM
Programs, Projects and Operations Subcommittee Meeting
Agenda .pdfAgenda Item 6 - Glacier Creek Wetland_Stream Mitigation Bank Design Contract Amendment 1.pdfAgenda Item 7 - Western Douglas Co Trails and NE Dept of Roads Agreements.pdfAgenda Item 8 - Change order to Thompson Construction Contract to Include Removal of Storm Damaged Trees at Elkhorn Crossing Recreation Area.pdfAgenda Item 9 - Brunker Ditch.pdfAgenda Item* 10 - Max Low Impact Development in Papio Watershed Drainage Area.pdf