Board Information
Thursday December 14, 2017
7:00 pm
Board of Directors Meeting
Agenda - Final
Agenda - Resolutions
Agenda Item 7.A. Board Meeting Minutes 11.9.2017
Agenda Item 7.B. Dakota County Rural Water Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 11.8.2017
Agenda Item 8.A. NRCS December Report
Agenda Item 9. Public Hearing on Proposed Groundwater Management Plan
Agenda Item 10. Public Hearing on Proposed Groundwater Rules and Regulations
Agenda Item 11. Public Hearing on Proposed Groundwater Management Areas
Agenda Item 12.A. PLPA Meeting Minutes 12.12.2017
Agenda Item 12.B. PPO Meeting Minutes 12.12.2017
Agenda Item 12.C. FEL Meeting Minutes 12.12.2017
Agenda Item 13.A-J. Treasurer's Report
Agenda Item 16. GM Report
Tuesday December 12, 2017
6:32 pm
Finance, Expenditure, and Legal Subcommittee Meeting
6:31 pm
Programs, Projects, and Operations Subcommittee Meeting
Agenda Item 6. Interlocal Agreement with City of Gretna on Sanitary Sewer Main Extension around the WP2 Project
Agenda Item 7. Proposed Easements to SID 312 and Sarpy County for Lincoln Road Improvements
Agenda Item 8. Mentored Hunt Agreement with Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Agenda Item 9. Chalco Hills 156 Street Trail Paving Project Construction Bids
Agenda Item 10. FY 2018 Replacement Vehicle Purchase
6:30 pm
Personnel, Legislative, and Public Affairs Subcommittee Meeting
Thursday November 9, 2017
7:00 pm
Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday November 7, 2017
6:31 pm
Finance, Expenditure and Legal Subcommittee Meeting
6:30 pm
Programs, Projects and Operations Subcommittee Meeting
Agenda Item 6. Grant Requests and District Cost Share for Glacier Creek Prairie Preserve
Agenda Item 7. Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Contract with HDR Engineering for Zorinsky Basin 2
Agenda Item 8. Renewal of USGS Maintenance Agreement for Papio Floodwarning System Gages
Agenda Item 9. Dedication of Right-of-Way and Easements to the City of Papillion for 120th Street Improvements
Agenda Item 10. Lower Platte River Basin Coalition Interlocal Agreement #2
Agenda Item 11. Waterloo, NE Groundwater Elevation and Temperature Gage Joint Funding Agreement with USGS
Agenda Item 12.A. West Papio Trail - Giles Road to Millard Project Bids Received for Construction
Agenda Item 12.B. West Papio Trail - Giles Road to Millard Project Big Muddy Workshop Contract Amendment for Construction Administration Services
Tuesday October 10, 2017
6:32 pm
Finance, Expenditure and Legal Subcommittee Meeting
6:31 pm
Programs, Projects and Operations Subcommittee Meeting
Agenda Item 6. Bids for the 2018 District Vehicles and Equipment
Agenda Item 7. Big Papio Levee Culverts Phase 2 Rehab Project Interlocal Agreement with City of Omaha
Agenda Item 8. Interlocal Agreement with City of Papillion for West Papillion Creek Levee Accreditation
Agenda Item 9. FY 2018 Long Range Implementation Plan (LRIP)
Agenda Item 10. Western Dougls County Trail Change Order to PSC with Felsburg, Holt and Ullevig for Environmental Review
6:30 pm