Board Information
Tuesday October 6, 2015
6:30 PM
Programs, Projects and Operations Subcommittee Meeting
Thursday October 1, 2015
6:30 PM
AdHoc Consultant Selection Subcommittee for the Groundwater Mgmt Plan Update
Thursday October 8, 2015
7:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
Agenda Item 7.B. Dakota County Rural Water Advisory Minutes 9-9-2015.pdfAgenda Item 7.A. Board Minutes 9-10-2015.pdfAgenda Item 9.A. Groundwater Management Plan Update Ad Hoc Subcommittee Minutes 10-1-2015.pdfAgenda Item* 10.A-I. Financial Report.pdfAgenda Item* 13. GM Report.pdfAgenda Item 8.D. LPRCA September Report.pdfAgenda Item 8.A. NRCS October Report.pdfAgenda Item 9.B. PPO Subcommittee Minutes 10-6-2015.pdfAgenda - Final .pdfAgenda - Resolutions .pdf