Board Information
Thursday May 10, 2012
7:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
Agenda Item 7.A. Board Meeting Minutes 4-12-2012.pdfAgenda Item 7.B. DCRW Advisory Board Minutes 4-11-2012.pdfAgenda Item* 10. Financial Report.pdfAgenda Item* 12. GM Report.pdfAgenda Item 9.B. FEL Meeting Minutes 5-8-2012.pdfAgenda - Final .pdfAgenda Item 9.A. PPO Meeting Minutes 5-8-2012.pdfAgenda Item 8.A. NRCS Report.pdfAgenda Item 8.B. LPRCA April Report.pdfAgenda - Resolutions.pdf
Tuesday May 8, 2012
6:45 PM
Finance, Expenditure and Legal Subcommittee
6:30 PM
Programs, Projects and Operations Subcommittee
Agenda .pdfAgenda Item 6. Summit Lake Cost-Share Commitment between the Papio-Missouri River NRD and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.pdfAgenda Item 9. A. Pigeon/Jones Creek Dam Site 15 Construction Project Bid Opening.pdfAgenda Item 9. B. Pigeon/Jones Creek Dam Site 15 Agreement with NeNPPD.pdfAgenda Item* 10. Application for Road Structure Cost-Share Assistance - Washington County.pdfAgenda Item 8. A-B. Elk Creek Emergency Watershed Protection Project.pdfAgenda Item 7. Third Addendum to the Cole Creek Flood Mitigation Program Interlocal Agreement.pdfAgenda Item* 11. FY 2013 Equipment Requirements.pdf