Board Information
Thursday September 14, 2017
7:00 pm
Board of Directors Meeting - Being held at the District's 1505 Broadway, Dakota City, NE location
Agenda - Final
Agenda - Resolutions
Agenda Item 7. A. Board Meeting Minutes 8.10.2017
Agenda Item 7.B. Dakota County Rural Water Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 8.9.2017
Agenda Item 8.A. NRCS September Report
Agenda Item 9. Public Hearing Adoption of the FY 2018 Budget
Agenda Item 10. Public Hearing To Set Tax Levy for the FY 2018 Budget
Agenda Item 11.A. PLPA Subcommittee Meeting Minutes 9.12.2017
Agenda Item 11.B. PPO Subcommittee Meeting Minutes 9.12.2017
Agenda Item 11.C. FEL Subcommittee Meeting Minutes 9.12.2017
Agenda Item 12.A.-J. Treasurer's Report
Agenda Item 15. GM Report
Tuesday September 12, 2017
6:32 pm
Finance, Expenditure, and Legal Subcommittee Meeting
6:31 pm
Programs, Projects, and Operations Subcommittee Meeting
Agenda Item 6. Amendment VIII of Engineering Contract with Olsson Associates for Professional Services for Pigeon-Jones Site 12A
Agenda Item 7. US Highway 34 Bike and Walking Trail Interlocal Agreement
Agenda Item 8. West Papio Trail (Giles to Millard Rd) Construction Interlocal Agreement with Omaha, La Vista
Agenda Item 9.A.&B. USACE Section 22 Streambed Degradation Study
6:30 pm