Board Information
Tuesday October 11, 2016
6:30 pm
PLPA Subcommitee Meeting
Tuesday July 12, 2016
6:31 PM
PPO Subcommittee Meeting
Agenda .pdfAgenda Item 6. Resolution to Adopt the District's Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan.pdfAgenda Item 7. Second Amended Interlocal Agreement for the Lower Platte River Invasive Vegetation Management Program.pdfAgenda Item 9. West Papio Trail, Giles Road to Millard Interlocal Agreement.pdfAgenda Item* 10. Amendment to the Western Sarpy/Clear Creek Interlocal Agreement with Sarpy County.pdfAgenda Item* 11. Whitted Creek Refinemet Project.pdfAgenda Item* 12. Amended District Erosion and Sediment Control Program Rules and Regulations.pdfAgenda Item* 13. Water Sustainability Fund Application for the Western Sarpy County Aquifer 3D Modeling Project.pdfAgenda Item 8. Proposed Easements for Thrasher Developement on Tract 1, WP6.pdf
5:30 PM
Directors Budget Workshop (no Board action or public input will be allowed)
Thursday July 7, 2016
6:00 PM
AdHoc Subcommittee Meeting for the Little Papio Channel Stabilization Project
Thursday June 9, 2016
7:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
Agenda Item 7.A. Board Meeting Minutes 5-12-2016.pdfAgenda Item 8.D. LPRCA Report May 2016.pdfAgenda Item 9.A. Ad Hoc for the West Papio Trail Meeting Minutes 6-2-2016.pdfAgenda Item* 10.A-I. Treasurer's Report.pdfAgenda Item 8.A. NRCS June Report.pdfAgenda - Final .pdfAgenda Item 9.B. Ad Hoc for the Little Papio Channel Stabilization Project Meeting Minutes 6-7-2016.pdfAgenda Item 9.D. FEL Meeting Minutes 6-7-2016.pdfAgenda Item 9.C. PPO Meeting Minutes 6-7-2016.pdfAgenda - Resolutions.pdfAgenda Item* 13. GM Report.pdf
Tuesday June 7, 2016
6:30 PM
Ad Hoc Subcommittee for the LIttle Papio Channel Stabilization Project
Thursday June 2, 2016
6:00 PM
Ad Hoc Consultant Subcommittee for the West Papio Trail, Giles Road to Millard
Thursday May 12, 2016
7:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
Agenda Item 7.A. Board Meeting Minutes 4-14-2016.pdfAgenda Item 7.B. Dakota County Rural Water Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 04-13-16.pdfAgenda Item* 13.A. Ad Hoc Appointment Little Papio Channel Stabilization Project.pdfAgenda Item* 11. Financial Report.pdfAgenda Item* 10.A. West Papio Trail Ad Hoc Meeting Minutes 5-9-2016.pdfAgenda Item* 10.B. PPO Meeting Minutes 5-9-2016.pdfAgenda Item* 10.C. FEL Meeting Minutes 5-9-2016.pdfAgenda - Final.pdfAgenda Item 9. Public Meeting - Review of the 2014-2015 Integrated Management Plan Annual Report.pdfAgenda Item 8.D. LPRCA Report April 2016.pdfAgenda Item* 14. GM Report.pdfAgenda Item 8.A. NRCS May Report.pdfAgenda - Resolutions.pdf