West Papio Trail Giles Road Underpass Closed for Three Months

Due to a bank stabilization project, the West Papio Trail Giles Road underpass will be closed July 12 through the end of October.

While the underpass will not be accessible to trail users, the trail will remain open at the following areas:

– Connecting to the southwest corner of 108th Street and Giles Road

– At the trailhead parking lot continuing north over Hell Creek toward Q Street

“Construction crews have started clearing trees,” says Eric Williams, Papio NRD Natural Resources Planner. “We want trail users to know the Papio NRD will reseed and replant along the bank to maintain the natural feel of this historic corridor.”

For more information, please contact Eric Williams at 402-444-6222.

Open House to Discuss Papio Creek Basin Flood Risk Management Study

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District, in cooperation with the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District, will be hosting a public open house to share information about the Papillion Creek Basin flood risk management study. The study is working to develop alternatives to reduce flood risks and improve public safety within the Papillion Creek Basin in Douglas, Sarpy and Washington counties. The purpose of the open house is to discuss alternatives under consideration in the study. Alternatives include: 1) reservoir construction at dam site 10 on Thomas Creek, 2) reservoir construction at dam site 19 on South Papillion Creek, 3) levee modifications on the Big Papillion Creek, Little Papillion Creek, and West Papillion Creek, 4) channel modifications on the Big Papillion Creek, Little Papillion Creek, West Papillion Creek, and South Papillion Creek, and 5) nonstructural solutions throughout the study area.

The open house will be held on Tuesday, July 23 from 5:30-7:30pm at Mammel Hall at the University of Nebraska Omaha, 6708 Pine Street, Omaha, NE. At the meeting, a formal presentation will begin at 6pm followed by an open house where the public, media and other interested stakeholders will have an opportunity to ask questions and provide comments on the alternatives under consideration.

