Papio NRD Board Decreases Property Tax Levy – Lowest in 25 Years

At its September 12th meeting, the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District (Papio NRD) Board of Directors voted to approve the Fiscal Year 2025 general operating budget that includes a significant decrease in the Papio NRD property tax levy.

Papio NRD Board of Directors

“Again, the District has prepared a budget that reduces the tax levy to its lowest in 25 years while funding the increasing need for additional flood mitigation, water quality, recreation opportunities, maintenance of aging infrastructure, and erosion control,” said Tim McCormick, chairman of the Papio NRD Board of Directors. “The system was tested by this past year’s record storms and worked as designed but is at its capacity. As our region develops, additional capacity is required to provide adequate flood mitigation. I commend the District’s ability to do so much while holding tax requests in check,” said McCormick.

For 19 out of 20 years, the Papio NRD has either decreased or kept the property tax levy the same. This fiscal year’s total tax request is 2.5% above last year’s budget. The District will drop its property tax mill levy by 5.61% this fiscal year.

“The Papio NRD clearly understands that high property valuation assessments and taxes are negatively impacting many of our constituents’ finances,” said John Winkler, general manager of the Papio NRD. “Through consistent, methodical and conservative financial and operational management, as well as, securing hundreds of millions of dollars in grant funding and cost shares over the last twenty years, this budget allows the Papio NRD to once again lower its property tax levy while simultaneously funding critical public safety projects and programs,” said Winkler.

Winkler says over the last five years the Papio NRD’s actual tax request increase has been below inflation and averaged five to ten percent below the average assessed valuation increase.

The Papio NRD’s FY25 property tax levy would drop to 0.029568 per $100 of assessed valuation from the District’s FY24 property tax levy of 0.031324 per $100 of assessed valuation. Under this budget, a homeowner in the District with property valued at $150,000 would pay $44.36 a year or $3.70 a month in property taxes next year to support Papio NRD projects, programs, and services. The budget calls for an estimated $31.5 million in revenue from the Papio NRD’s property tax levy. The total operating budget is estimated at $118.3 million.

The property tax levy is based on an estimated 8.6% increase in valuations across the District, which includes all of Sarpy, Douglas, Washington, and Dakota counties, plus the eastern 60% of Burt and Thurston counties.

The Papio NRD receives less than 2% of all property taxes collected within the District’s six-county area. The remaining 98% goes to schools, cities, counties, and other taxing entities.


Papio NRD Crews Busy Assessing Flood Damage

Papio NRD crews are busy assessing the District’s levees, structures, and parks and trails for damage after Tuesday’s flooding in the Omaha metro.

While the water along the Papio Creek near 72nd & Q Street has receded, the amount of tree debris is surreal, as is the case in many other locations.

Papio NRD General Manger John Winkler says once the assessment is complete, repairs and storm cleanup will take place as quickly as possible in coordination with municipalities and various agencies.

While Tuesday’s flooding may have been a shock, Winkler says it wasn’t to the Papio NRD team. He says the Papio NRD’s system of flood mitigation reservoirs and levees built over the last 50 years were built for events like Tuesday’s and the infrastructure worked exactly as designed. When Mother Nature is in charge, Winkler says, nothing we build can be 100%.

Please know we understand this is a very trying and unsettling time for many. While the assessment and cleanup from the flood is a monumental effort, all parties involved are more than committed to getting our communities back in shape as expeditiously and safely as possible.

Everyone’s patience is very much appreciated.









Papio NRD Board Decreases Property Tax Levy

Contact: Jennifer Stauss Story
Cell Phone 402-960-5329

Papio NRD Board Approves Proposed 2024 Budget

Decreases Property Tax Levy 


Omaha, NE: At its September 14th meeting, the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District (Papio NRD) Board of Directors voted to approve the Fiscal Year 2024 general operating budget that includes a significant decrease in the Papio NRD property tax levy.

“After the first budget draft was discussed, I directed Papio NRD staff to find as many efficiencies as possible in the District’s general operations and vital programs to ensure the Papio NRD is only requesting the bare minimum from taxpayers without sacrificing our mission of protecting life and property,” said Kevyn Sopinski, chairman of the Papio NRD Board of Directors.

For 18 out of 19 years, the Papio NRD has either decreased or kept the property tax levy the same. This fiscal year’s total tax request is 1.8% above last year’s budget. The District will drop its property tax mill levy by 10% this fiscal year.

“We understand that historically high inflation and even higher county property valuation assessments are negatively impacting many of our constituents’ finances,” said John Winkler, general manager of the Papio NRD. “Through methodical and conservative financial and operational management, refinancing and reduction of bonded debt, and securing over $20 million in grant funding, this budget allows the Papio NRD to lower its property tax levy to its lowest in over 20 years while simultaneously funding critical public safety projects,” said Winkler.

The Papio NRD’s FY24 property tax levy would drop to .031 per $100 of assessed valuation from the District’s FY23 property tax levy of 0.347 per $100 of assessed valuation. Under this budget, a homeowner in the District with property valued at $150,000 would pay $46.95 a year or $3.91 a month in property taxes next year to support Papio NRD projects, programs, and services. The budget calls for an estimated $30 million in revenue from the Papio NRD’s property tax levy. The total operating budget is estimated at $90.3 million.

Winkler said the Papio NRD’s budgeting philosophy is to only levy what is needed to adequately fund essential projects related to flood mitigation, conservation, erosion and sediment control, as well as the responsible management of Nebraska’s invaluable natural resources.

The property tax levy is based on an estimated 12.9% increase in valuations across the District, which includes all of Sarpy, Douglas, Washington, and Dakota counties, plus the eastern 60% of Burt and Thurston counties.

The Papio NRD receives less than 2% of all property taxes collected within the District’s six-county area. The remaining 98% goes to schools, cities, counties, and other taxing entities.






Papio NRD Decreases Property Tax Levy

Board Approves Proposed 2023 Budget

At its September 8th meeting, the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District (Papio NRD) Board of Directors voted to approve the Fiscal Year 2023 general operating budget that includes a decrease in the Papio NRD property tax levy.

“We realize that historically high inflation is negatively impacting many of our constituents’ finances,” said John Winkler, general manager of the Papio NRD. “Through methodical and conservative financial management this budget allows the Papio NRD to lower its property tax levy while simultaneously funding critical public safety projects. This fiscal year’s total budget requirements, operating budget, and property tax levy are all lower than last fiscal year,” said Winkler.

For 17 out of 18 years, the Papio NRD has either decreased or kept the tax levy the same. The District will drop its property tax mill levy by 2.6% this fiscal year.

“The Papio NRD’s budgeting philosophy has been to levy only what is needed to adequately fund vital flood mitigation, conservation, erosion and sediment control projects, and the prudent management of our state’s critical natural resources,” said Winkler.

The Papio NRD’s FY23 property tax levy would drop to .0348 per $100 of assessed valuation from the District’s FY22 property tax levy of 0.357 per $100 of assessed valuation. Under this budget, a homeowner in the District with property valued at $150,000 would pay $52.14 a year or $4.34 a month in property taxes next year to support Papio NRD projects, programs, and services. The budget calls for an estimated $30 million in revenue from the Papio NRD’s property tax levy. The total operating budget is estimated at $80.1 million.

The property tax levy is based on an estimated 8.57% increase in valuations across the District, which includes all of Sarpy, Douglas, Washington, and Dakota counties, plus the eastern 60% of Burt and Thurston counties.

The Papio NRD receives less than 2% of all property taxes collected within the District’s six-county area. The remaining 98% goes to schools, cities, counties, and other taxing entities.

Papio NRD Names New Assistant General Manager

The Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District today announced the promotion of Amanda Grint to assistant general manager.

Grint, formerly water resources engineer, has worked for the Papio NRD for 15 years. She fills the position following the sudden passing of Marlin Petermann in December. Petermann worked for the Papio NRD for 47 years, the majority as assistant general manager.

Amanda Grint

“While the circumstances under which this position became available are extremely tragic and unfortunate, the District pulled together and immediately started the interview process,” said John Winkler, general manager of the Papio NRD. “The District was quite fortunate to have extremely qualified and capable professionals apply for the position and it was a very competitive pool of applicants. We are very excited to work with Amanda in her new role and look forward to moving the District to new heights with her knowledge, expertise and experience,” said Winkler.

“I am honored to have been selected as assistant general manager for the Papio NRD,” said Grint. “It’s certainly a heartbreaking turn of events with the passing of Marlin. I’m grateful for the many things I learned from him and throughout my time at the District. I’m anxious to work on District projects on a deeper level that improve our communities and quality of life, such as flood mitigation, trails, conservation efforts, enhancing our natural resources, and forming public/private partnerships,” said Grint.

Grint received a Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She is a registered Professional Engineer, Certified Floodplain Manager, and member of the Association of State Floodplain Managers and Nebraska Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association.

Cost Share Programs for FY 2025

Urban Drainageway Program, Hell Creek Channel Restoration Project

The Papio NRD has nine (9) cost share programs available to assist government agencies to conserve and protect natural resources for people in our communities.

Please see the annual letter which includes a description of each program, program guidelines, and application forms.

The deadline for applications under all programs is March 22, 2024.

For more information, please call (402) 444-6222 or email

The Passing of Marlin Petermann

It is with tremendous sadness that we announce the passing of our colleague, friend, and mentor Marlin Petermann.  Marlin worked for the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District for 47 years, the majority as assistant general manager. To say Marlin was passionate about his job is a vast understatement. He loved his work and many times was the last one to leave the office. Time spent at one’s desk does not always equate dedication, but for Marlin that certainly was the case.

Marlin had an important job that directly impacted each of us and our communities on many levels, especially public safety. A most recent example is the flood of 2019. Marlin, his team, and our various emergency management partners made critical decisions before, during, and after the flood that not only helped minimized the immediate destruction, but quickly put in motion strategies that would further reduce damage to vital infrastructure and communities, such as Offutt Air Force Base and the City of Bellevue.

This time of year, Marlin would be gearing up to monitor the Platte and Elkhorn rivers for potential ice jams. It’s probably fair to say these rivers were probably his “second home” due to his time spent overhead via helicopter, as well as on the ground. Again, for the sake of public safety.

Marlin worked tirelessly with local, county, state, and federal governments and created countless public/private partnerships that not only made our communities safer and enhanced our quality of life through his work with many District programs, such as flood mitigation, trails, conservation efforts, etc., while enhancing our natural resources along the way.

Marlin was well known and highly respected by all he worked with…and with good reason (too many to count). He was a Papio NRD institution. He truly was.

Marlin had a beautiful family and we ask that you join us in keeping his wife Cynthia, children, and grandchildren in your thoughts.







